Isnin, 17 Oktober 2016

Two of the most preferred aplication


Hi guys, how are you today? Meet again with my post-6.
             this time I will discuss two applications that I like the most, by the way an application problem, now the technology is becoming more sophisticated and more popping up a wide range of applications such as fuel, Instagram, WA, Line, camera C360, camera B612, retrika, beauty plus, Smule, and many others, but here I will only discuss two of my favorite apps. The first is Smule, I really like Smule app because the first one I really like singing, if at Smule we could duet with anyone from starting an ordinary person even with famous artists,
And I really liked the song and nuanced dangdut melayu Malaysia as memori berkasih, gurauan berkasih, and many other songs.
And I really would like to duet with Smule Malaysian artist named Khai Bahar. duh, it's good if I could duet with him on Smule by bringing the songs of my favorite "joke amorous" and hopefully achieved.
Then application to the two I like most is the application google voice because if you use the app any kind would seem practical, looking for anything everything will be available quickly, practically, and does not need to be typed again, and also with the application we can use it even when we are perform other activities.
              Overview of the two applications that I like most, to meet up with my next post and congratulations activity back guys.

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