Jumaat, 7 Oktober 2016

My inspiration movies

Hi friends, two months to go to college has felt much of the burden because many of its tasks is given lecturers .Yes even though a lot of work but I have to keep the spirit of college and have to try my best to do it so I got a good value and could make all two my parents proud.
And this time I'll tell you a little about the movie that inspired me.
I know this film from senior sister in the hostel, so maybe this film was never aired on TV but is very popular in social media through his message to inspire Indonesian Muslim women. titles from the first Sally ukhty inspired me is "Motivation hijab syar'i Muslim women" that in the film there is a lot of motivation for us Muslim women to undergo GOD commands are wearing hijab in accordance Syari'ah of Islam, to be honest after watching the film does not know why my tears are very flowing, I feel so embarrassed with my performance yesterday, but I am very grateful to see the film I could start learning to improve my appearance although perhaps the attitude and personality I am not good but at least for me it is the first step of improving itself to be a better woman, insyaAllah.
Film to-two that describes my life that is "Not ordinary love", the film is a portrait of my life had always troubled by the problems of love, even experienced heartbreak very deep love, yes after I watched this movie I know that there are one because it's too hoping to humans, in the film presenting a motivator Muslim enlightening how to be Muslim are waiting, looking to find love, so not only beautiful in the world, but also blossomed into his heaven. The movie depicts my life because the story is similar with my life yesterday and now I feel more motivated to watch the film because it not only describes the life of me but also teaches how to appreciate what we have today is not only love but anything that has been given GOD to us.A few of my posts this week, thank you for stopping by my blog,Wassalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakaatuh.

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