Khamis, 10 November 2016

Two Favorite Most Frequently On Visit

Good morning friends, meet again with my next post.
this week is very tiring friends because this week we implement MID half, yes please though tense but it all has passed although I'm not sure with my score today good, but I have to keep the spirit so that the final exam I'll be a satisfactory score with GPA above 3.00, Aamiin.
we miss the issue of tension last week, we further discuss the post this week that his favorite places most frequently visited.
Ngomomg way problem favorite place to be honest since I first set foot in the city were so wow PONTIANAK I was struck by two very beautiful place in my opinion,
The first place I like the most is the park "Digulist" I think Digulist an asset to the city of Pontianak was very nice to be made as a recreation and tourist attractions because in addition to the park, "Digulist" is also a lot of sports venues in the open and many a sport that people do there, so I really liked the park "Digulists" and anxious every time want to get there.
The second I was struck with a garden that is located in the town square Pontianak or often called by the name "ALUN_ALUN KAPUAS" or "KOREM". I think the park is very pretty and very beautiful, especially when night scenery there is very beautiful and very, very fit to be made in the sights, and I can not describe how wonderful garden "ALUN_ALUN KAPUAS". And if the opportunity arises again I am intending to go back there.
A few of my posts this week about two favorite places that I frequently visit, to meet with my post later, survivors move again.

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